Tankersley_Brazen_3D-copy_800px-410x625In the middle of a difficult situation years ago, it was said to me, “Don’t worry. When God works it all out, He will hand back your life on a silver platter.”

The one sentence gave me hope and is something which remained tucked in the recesses of my memory until the last week.

Transformation is hard work and not without pain along the way.

In her new book, Brazen: The Courage to Find the You That’s Been Hiding, Leeana Tankersley writes:

There’s no real road map for growing into our soul. No formula for self-possession, expansion, investigating our desires, connecting with our longings. If anything, these are trial-and-error prepositions, attempts, and revisions. We listen, we lean in, and often we learn, all the while believing there are gifts in the process, something we will take with us that we couldn’t have acquires any other way.
(from page 172)

This journey with God means we will take risks, requiring great courage, as most times we will not have even a clue to our next step. We strain to hear His voice and then we second guess if it was Him at all. We must silence the voices which would seek to keep us from becoming all which we have been created to be and to do.

The author defines ‘brazen’ as “without shame”. She encourages each of us, through her own stories, to know we are loved by our God who has given us each an identity in Him, a voice which He desires to use, and purposes He will fulfill. God molds us into His own image while at the same time, molding us into our unique selves.

Each chapter includes prompts to challenge the reader to interact with the material in a way which helps the reader discover what has lay dormant in our lives. The book is written in three parts – Receive {Your Identity}; Reclaim {Your Voice}; and Recover {Your Soul}.

In reading the book, I remembered the truth about the silver platter:

Brazen is sure to challenge, encourage, and motivate each one of us to be courageous and fight for the life God has given us.


*** I received a copy of this book from Revell for review purposes. The opinions expressed in this review are my own. This post contains an affiliate link.

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