For the last few weeks, Jocelyn has taken to playing with her little dolls on the floor with me. We make them race, swim, and drive their cars, each activity done on our knees scooting about. There have been days when my knees are bruised, welted and sore to the touch. But she enjoys every minute of our playtime.
The other morning, my knees were so sore, I knew I could not get down on them – just yet. So I had to convince her to do something else. I also thought to myself, “If anyone ever saw she and I playing, they would think I was nuts.”
But she’s big into imaginative play right now and so we continue to do play.
These days will pass and pass quickly. I know this to be true because these days flew by with my own children. I opened my Bible this morning and these were the words my eyes fell upon:
“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.”
(Ecclesiastes 9:10, NIV)
Another version puts it this way, “Whatever you do, do it well.” (NLT)
My children and grandchildren probably will not care about any accomplishments, or lack of accomplishments, in my life. My interests and passions may never be theirs nor ever impress them. At times I wonder if they will even be aware of those things.
The words of Paul quickly flood my mind as he addresses slaves regarding their masters:
“Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.” (Colossians 3:23, NLT)
At times, as I am “bossed” by my little people, I am working for them. I am working at developing their creative minds to learn and embrace life. I am working at making memories. They do not care to know which book I am reading, or Scripture I am memorizing, or where I volunteer my time. They just want to play.
It’s true.
The most important work we do is on our knees.
Whether in playing or
in praying,
whatever we do –
May we do it well!
Today I am joining … Three Word Wednesday and Tell His Story and Wedded Wednesday and Women With Intention .
Joanne, I am sitting here smiling as I resonate with what you have shared. Our grandchildren are no longer small. They have grown up even faster than our children it seemed, but we are still seeking to make memories. We did it two weeks ago when we drove to Indy to watch our middle grandson’s (a high school junior) variety basketball team play in the regional championships. (They won!) We did it a couple of months ago when we drove to our oldest grandson’s (freshman) college campus (Grove City College) to take him to dinner. Now we may not spend time crawling around the floor on our knees to play, but we spend miles and hours in the car to be with them. You’re right! That is the legacy they will always remember! Blessings on your day, Joanne!
Pam, I loved reading of the time you have spent with your grandson. So hopeful that even when I come off the floor, I will still be involved in their lives. May we keep on building our family legacies. Blessings to you!
Just last night at dinner we were talking about striving for excellence in all things we’re called to do. This post echoed so much of what’s on my heart and reflected our conversation last night. I love when God does that. Thanks for sharing these words and linking up at #ThreeWordWednesday. xoxo
Kristin, that is so it! We are not called to do ALL things, but may we do the things we are called to with excellence. So glad you shared your thoughts!
Joanne, I love this! As a grandmother myself I know what you mean about being “bossed” by the little ones. 🙂 It very true that they seem to grow so quickly and I do want to be there for them and enjoy things with them that they like to do. I want them to feel loved as I know you do, too. And I want to do it well. 🙂 Blessings to you and thanks for this encouragement!
Gayl, I am so with you – I want that my grandchildren know I love them & feel that when with me. May God show us how we can convey not only our love for them but His. Blessings to you & yours!
I have both of these scriptures as word art borders in my office. Eccl 9.10 and Col 3.23….my goodness another sister from another mother!!!! Love the post and how well you are grandmothering!
Susan, thank you for encouraging me today. Love it – a sister from another mother 🙂