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Our entire family gathered for Easter dinner around our dining room table on Sunday. I had wondered if Jocelyn would balk at her seat this time or if she would be content with her usual seat. Somehow inside of me, I suspected change was coming.

And it did!

IMG_0444We began to take our seats and she was helped into hers as she said …. “But I don’t want to sit here.”

The room became silent as we all knew the tone could mean a struggle was about to go down. She would not be convinced to stay put, announcing resolutely, “I’m a big girl now. I wear undies and do poops in the potty!”

Her tone said it all – End. Of. Story.

We moved her usual seat away and went to get out another folding chair, moving some chairs to make room for another setting at the table. There was something about wanting to sit like everyone else at the table.

It reminded me of how all of us kids, while growing up, could not wait to be moved from the kids table to the grownup table.

It’s funny how we all hit a point in life and we want to grow up and we need to do so …

“When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things.” (1 Corinthians 13:11, NLT)

God is so wanting His people to “grow up” in Him. He wants us to mature, our roots going deep in the soil of His Word and promises, growing into all He knows we can be.


And so today I pray for my grandchildren … Lord, I thank you that you are helping my grandchildren to develop and grow physically. I also pray that you would enable them to grow spiritually. Give them a desire to read Your Word increasingly as they mature. Instill in them the realization that they must rely on you. Teach them to pray by drawing them into conversing with You. May they grow in their love for You and desire to serve those around them. May they grow up in You so that they will be “mature and complete, not lacking anything” (James 1:4). It is in Your Name I pray, Amen.


Today I am joining … Three Word Wednesday and Tell His Story and Wedded Wednesday and Women With Intention .