There are times when the direction of my life is crystal clear. And then there are those days, when not so much.
Strides forward are taken knowing the general direction but not the end destination. I question in my heart, “What does all this mean?” and “Why was that person in my life?” and “What now?”
Not all the questions have been answered. Actually, most go unanswered, as one day turns into the next. I recall hearing it said that Scripture is to be a road map leading you each day. And it certainly has been true in my life.
God’s Word always offers the word of comfort, the hand of hope, and the source of nourishment my soul needs each and every time I open to read. His Word has never disappointed as it speaks to my heart personally.
Yet I must be honest and share the question which has been on my heart for days ….
Where is this “road map of life” intended to lead me?
- It leads to be wholeheartedness, loving God with all my being.
- It leads to a place of protection against sin, making me aware of right and wrong.
- It leads to insight, understanding, knowledge, and wisdom.
All of these are necessary in order navigate life’s difficulties and questions successfully. Each one directs me to live to the fullest. And yet it leads me even further …
“… all of Scripture is a map {{leading}} to the very center of our Heavenly Father’s heart.” (from Open Your Bible by Raechel Myers and
Amanda Bible Williams, page 92)
Every single moment spent in Scripture is intended to lead me back to the heart of our God, who loves me deeply. It is because of His great love that He desires to lead me to fulfill His purposes for life.
“The law is no do-it-yourself manual which God has handed over to man. It is the written part of a life-long teach-in. With it comes the assurance of his living presence.” (Leslie C. Allen)
And on those days when I have questions,
I can trust His heart towards me as I remember:
“Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” (Psalm 119: 105, NLT)
Today I am joining …. Three Word Wednesday and Tell His Story and Wedded Wednesday .
I think often that the number of questions outweighs the number of answers we receive. But like you, I know that God is faithful and we learn this when we turn to His word. We are taught lessons of faith and trust when we take the time to remain with God. We read about God’s promises when we stay in the word and let it be our guide. Thank you for this truth today.
Mary, as I reread your thoughts this morning, I was filled with gratitude. No matter how many questions I may have, God is faithful to always bring assurance. I may not get all the answers, or the ones I want, but He is faithful to guide me through my question. Praying for you as you journey with the missions team. Blessings!
This wraps it up! “And on those days when I have questions,
I can trust His heart towards me as I remember:
“Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.†(Psalm 119: 105, NLT)”
Questions! The Answer.
Yes, Susan, even when we don’t get all the answers, we can trust His heart towards us. Hope you are having a good week!
I love this so much. A couple of years ago, my one-word focus for the year was LIGHT. This post resonates so much with me and reminds me of what God taught me then. Thanks for linking up at #ThreeWordWednesday.
Kristin, that would make an interesting one word focus for sure. I am so grateful for the way He guides us, providing light where we may not have any at all. His presence with us is all the light we need. Blessings!