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Most Fridays, I join Kate Motaung for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt. Five minutes. No editing. Lots of women. All of us writing on that same word.

Today the word prompt is … Yes.

They would come to me with a question …

  • “Mom, can I stay up until 10?”
  • “Can I have Mary sleep over? And maybe Jane too?”
  • “Can I skip school tomorrow?”
  • “Can I watch TV now?”
  • “Can I have mac-n-cheese again for dinner tonight?”

It seemed simple enough to answer as it had to be either a “Yes” or a “No”.

The problem was I truly knew in my heart, the answer would not be well received and a battle would be had.

At those times, due to being tired, the easier response was, “Maybe” or “We’ll see”. They would quickly respond, “Thank you!” and go off happily, almost with a skip in their step, which always left me with a greater problem – what I would do later when the “No” finally did come.

You see, my children tended to interpret the non-committal responses as “Yes” for this is what they desired. Not once did they ever interpret it as a delay or the “no” it was. They always heard “yes”.

Jesus had a very simple solution to my problem …

“Simply let your “Yes” be “Yes”, and your “No” be “No”; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.” (Matthew 5:37, NIV)

So much better to say what you mean and mean what you say.

Yes, it truly is the best way.


Today I am joining … Five Minute Friday and Faith Filled Friday and Grace & Truth and Blessing Counters and Fellowship Friday .