How is it a familiar story can fall with such a new thought ….
“The total number of Jacob’s direct descendants who went with him to Egypt, not counting his sons’ wives, was sixty-six. In addition, Joseph had two sons who were born in Egypt. So altogether, there were seventy members of Jacob’s family in the land of Egypt.” (Genesis 46:26-27, NLT)
Much like Jacob, I am traveling through my life. In actuality, I am more than half-way there. My children are now raised and there are grandchildren.
There have been many a time, my own two children have heard me say, “If one day I stand before the Lord and they are also not present before His throne, nothing else done in this life will have mattered.”
My desire for my children to know and pursue God is great and deep. I think Jacob knows the feeling as well.
When God calls him to go to Egypt, he brings all of them in tow. All sixty-six descendants, not counting the women, went with him to Egypt. He left no one behind.
It is nothing short of a miracle to raise children who know and love the Lord with all their heart, soul and mind. May we, as parents, believe and ask in prayer for this miracle in our families.
When I stand before Him, I want to be next to Grandma and Grandpa Spano, my own parents, my husband and I, my two children, my grandchildren and those yet to come. I want to rejoice that we all made it and are present before His throne because of His great power at work in our lives.
And all because each generation believed.
“Your name, O Lord, endures forever; your fame, O Lord, is known to every generation.” (Psalm 135:13, NLT)
Today I am joining … Testimony Tuesday and Unite and True Story and RaRa Linkup and Intentional Tuesday .
So true. It is the dream of my heart that all my people will be gathered on that day! Coming to cheer you on from #RaRaLinkup!
May we be faithful to praying for all our people š Blessings!
Oh, me too! I’m a little behind you, my children are nearly grown and my desire for them to know and trust Jesus grows with each year. When I picture the scene of my family standing before God’s throne, the joy (and the tears) overflows. Thanks for sharing your words and the desire of your heart so beautifully here.
Karen, there is no scene as precious as that one š May God grant us our desires! Blessings!
“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in truth.”
This is the absolute foundation for me, and whenever I see evidence of faith and obedience in my grown boys, I am speechless with thanksgiving and humbled to the depths, because I know that it is all of grace.
When you’re “half-way-there” like we are, it’s easy to get complacent, but I’m trusting for grace to remain in the battle, praying and “training” the two who remain at home, and persevering in prayer for the two who have flown.
I’ve never thought of applying this lesson to the life of Joseph, so thanks for sharing it today!
Michele, I am so with you on this one. When I see my children, I am most humbled as I am fully aware it is none of my doing but ALL His grace & mercy!
This, the cry of each parent and grandparent heart. I so resonate with you, Joanne. Our 2nd granddaughter was baptized a week ago. It was one of the highlights of my life right up with her someday wedding day. Truly. It just doesn’t get any better than this, and everything else simply pales in comparison.
Thanks for putting in words our hearts’ desire.
Linda, how precious to have your 2nd granddaughter baptized. And yes, it all does pale in comparison. May we be faithful to pray for our future generations!
Wow! I agree with you, I desire for all my family to believe in the Lord and follow Him. As I reflect on your message for today. I see there are still a lot of people that needs to know about Jesus, I pray and desire that they’ll believe in Him when they hear about Him and may the Lord use us mightily in the advancement of His kingdom!
May we be faithful to praying for our families, knowing our Lord desires for them all to know Him as well!
What a beautiful picture this paints. Yes, I’d love that, too, and will be praying for future generations. Happy to visit via #intentionaltuesday
Kristi, and we know in praying such, we have His heart’s desire as well!
Yes! To be concerned with the eternal perspective makes this life indeed vastly important for those around us and makes our living inside The Plan poignant every single moment. Amen.
Amen, Heather!
What a legacy to leave behind, not of earthly riches but the riches of knowing Christ as their own personal Savior. Thank you, Joanne, for sharing your heart at #IntentionalTuesday on Intentionally Pursuing. : )
Crystal, there is no earthly legacy which can compare. And may we realize, they may not all be our own children but also “children” He places in our lives to also influence. Blessings!
I hope for all my family to know Christ as well. What a great reminder to continue to pray and intercede for them.
May we pray assured that He hears our prayers & is faithful.
What a blessing and legacy a beautiful prize you will lay before His feet!
And you as well, Mare!
What a beautiful prayer for our children and what a perfect wish as we one day stand before the throne of God. Praying that we all desire and seek this legacy for our children and the generations to come. Hugs!
There is truly no better legacy we could ever leave, Mary!
On the day my third grandbaby is being born, I loved reading this!! Thanks for the reminder that little else matters besides teaching our kids and grandkids to love Jesus.
Holly, your comment moved me to tears. To think of the timing of our God š I am so grateful that “Jesus loves the little children, ALL the children of the world…” even more than we do. May God be with you & your family as you all welcome this little one into our world!
I can hear the cry of your heart and may the precious Holy spirit continue to woo anyone who is holding back from full surrender to Jesus. Thank you for sharing with us here at Tell me a True Story.
Thank you for your thoughts & prayer, Hazel! It is always good to join you each week. Have a wonderful weekend!
I often ask God for all of my descendants to follow Him.
Me too, Elizabeth. Each & every day. Especially now with my two little granddaughters, I pray for them to know Him at a young age. I loved seeing the photos of your daughter’s wedding. Just beautiful! May God continue to bless & grow your family in the coming days!