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“What do you think God thinks about you?”

She throws the question out on facebook, never realizing I would think long and hard on the question. The answer comes quickly, thank you Beth Moore and Believing God …

“In Christ, I am loved and …. Blessed, Chosen, Adopted, Accepted, Redeemed, and Forgiven.”

We struggle with our identity more than we realize. The doubts come, whispering softly, a gentle nagging which says, “You are not enough.” Sometimes it sounds so real and true, we buy it hook, line, and sinker. Other times, we fight back as we remember:

“The Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.”
(1 John 4:4, NLT)

We have a greatness living on the inside of us that is not our own. We must remember this every single day in order to live in the truth of what God thinks about us.

Let’s quickly visit Hagar as she struggles in her situation. Here she is the servant to Sarah, Abraham’s wife. She obeys what is ordered to her, going to sleep with Abraham to provide offspring since Sarah has been unable to conceive. Things do not turn out quite the way everyone had hoped and Hagar runs away. It is in the wilderness, Hagar discovers something very interesting ….

God speaks to her. He assures her to return. Hagar says, “You are the God who sees me.” (Genesis 16:13, NLT) An encouraging observation to be sure. But it is what she says next which is most critical … “Have I truly seen the One who sees me?”

A mutual “seeing” occurs here –

When Hagar realizes God sees her, she sees God.

As we realize He sees us, we see Him in greater measure. It is then, we come to know we are loved and seen by God. It is when we remember He has His eye on us every moment of every day, we live in the assurance of our worth to Him.

When Hagar sees God, she sees her worth.

We are greater than we could ever comprehend because of the One living in us. We are enough because He is enough.

May I ask, “What do you think God thinks about you?” If you are in need of a little help remembering, here is reminder which has been on repeat for a bit. Blessings!



Today I am joining … Thought Provoking Thursday and Everyday Jesus .