I’m joining Kate Motaung for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt. Five minutes. No editing. Lots of women. All of us writing on that same word.
Today the word prompt is … Hide.
I see the word and immediately a familiar children’s game comes through my thoughts – Hide and Seek.
I remember playing with my children and grandchildren. It is almost always the same, no matter which young child you may play. As long as they cannot see you, they are under the impression – you cannot see them. Even though arms or clothing or a head may peek out from a small piece of furniture or a thin tree trunk, they think they have been able to hide.
“Hide” as defined by dictionary.com >> “to conceal from sight; prevent from being seen or discovered”.
As I read the definition, I wondered how often I (maybe we) play this game with God.
Do I really think I can prevent God from seeing me or discovering what I am doing, where I am going, what I am thinking? Do I think I can successfully hide myself from Him?
I forget at times – this is the God who knows all things and sees all things. His eye is on every single sparrow and not one can fall to the ground without Him knowing it. And yet, I seem to think I can hide from Him.
This morning the word prompt reminds me:
“Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea;
even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.”
(Psalm 139:7-10, NIV)
It really is quite simple – I cannot hide from God. And just so you are certain, neither can you.
There’s just no hiding from God.
Photo Credit: © Fredrik Nyman/Johnér Images/Corbis
I am joining … Five Minute Friday and Faith Filled Friday and Fellowship Friday and Dance With Jesus and #FindStability .
Great message for this FMF. Love the picture too!
Thank you. So glad you liked the picture as I really did too 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend!
I love how kids think that way. It makes me smile. Yes, I certainly have come to the false assumption about God too and am so thankful for this patience with me. Thank you for sharing. -Abby (visiting from Susan B. Mead’s)
It’s funny how all children think that at some point & so do we with God. So much we can learn from watching little ones. So glad you shared.
I smiled at your description of little ones ‘trying’ to hide. So very true! You are right that we cannot hide from our loving, heavenly Father. And although I’m guilty of trying, I am thankful for this truth! We are always in His sight!
Kamea, I think we all have tried to hide from God at some point in our lives. Probably why we can so relate to children playing hide & seek. May we hide no more 🙂 Grateful for your visit.
Oh…you wrote some truth today….hiding from God! Thanks for this gentle reminder!
May we not even attempt to hide but fully realize – He always has His sights on us!
A great reminder. Thank you for sharing on #FindStability and #DancewithJesus.
It’s wonderful to join in at both! May you have a wonderful weekend!
Good reminder. We can hide from ourselves, and trick ourselves, but God sees. He sees and still loves us! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
It is amazing that we only trick ourselves. May we just come before Him, transparently & honestly. It makes such a difference. Have a blessed Sunday!
Really great post!!! I’m grateful that there’s no hiding from GOD. I feel that as long as HIS eyes are on me, I am protected. Thank you for sharing this! Infinite blessings to you, Love! 🙂
It’s so true. He sees it all even that which we cannot see. And He protects us. May you have a blessed Sunday!
Thank you so much! You too, Love! 🙂