The topic of the sermon – Giving.
The speaker had no idea there was a question looming in my heart and mind for several weeks on this very topic. I was not seeking an answer to tithing, for this was a given (no pun intended) for me. My question went deeper, nagging at me often so I had come to church asking God for an answer, desiring to lay my question to rest.
We all would like to think giving comes easily to us. Probably to a degree, it may. Let’s face it, it is easy to give away that which we have outgrown, no longer use, have plenty of, or no longer like. It is with ease we box those items up and bring them to Goodwill or Salvation Army and take our receipt, for tax purposes. We may even give some items to those who are in need whom we are aware.
But can we give when no one else would ever be aware? Perhaps without changing our status on Facebook or Twitter to state our deed? Can we give when there is no tax benefit to be had?
What if we were to change our perspective, giving solely to an audience of one –
The Only One?
The speaker mentioned three ways of giving:
- Giving so as to let go of control. We hold onto control out of fear – fear there may not be enough. The point was made, “When I let go of control, I earnestly cling to the One Who has all the control anyway.”
- Giving until it hurts. Our giving needs to be a sacrifice much like the burnt offerings of the Old Testament – giving as an act of worship.
- Giving to grow in relationship with God. Put God to the test. In Malachi 3:10, God asks for the whole tithe to be brought to the storehouse. And then says this, “See if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have enough room for it.” God blesses us with more of Himself. There is no way we will ever be able to outgive the Giver Himself.
In Luke 12, Jesus tells us about the rich fool who comes to Him with the dilemma of dividing an inheritance. In that story, Jesus gives us this word of advice:
“Take care! Protect yourself against the least bit of greed. Life is not defined by what you have, even when you have a lot” (verse 15, MSG).
We are defined solely by the Giver Himself.
May we not store up for ourselves.
May we give and be rich toward God.
Today I am joining … #SmallWonder and Create With Joy and Making Your Home Sing and Playdates with God and Inspire Me Monday .
Giving can sometimes be an uncomfortable topic for some of us, can it not? I like this way of looking at it, it helps me open my hand a little bit :). Thanks for sharing these good thoughts, Joanne.
It really can be a difficult topic, Laura. It’s like it steps on our toes a bit. This sermon truly answered something which was stirring in my own heart. Glad it helped you a bit too. It is always a joy to join you!
These are important considerations that I rarely entertain in a practical sense, Joanne. Such rich wisdom here. I want to be more giving in particular to my husband, but I find that if I do it in secret, I tend to point it out to him later when or if he complains about the times I don’t give. 😉 Growing up in the Lord is not for the faint of heart, nor those who like their warm, cozy comfort zones!
Beth, you truly have made a practical & wise application which many of us could as well. You raise the point of whether we can do for those closest to us without being recognized and without complaining. Now there’s a challenge 🙂 Always glad when you add your insight!
Those three ways of giving–very hard to do. 🙁 But such blessing in them when we do it. Thanks for the encouragement to give better, differently, more.
May we grow as we give. And may He help us to be cheerful & generous as well. Not easy but with His help, it’s doable.
I love these thoughts, Joanne. So true, it’s easy to give away the stuff we don’t want or need anymore. Harder to give away the things we hold dear. We have been working on giving away things that are dear to us and it’s been amazing to see how those acts of love not only bless others, but the Lord blesses us abundantly thru sacrificial giving too!
Nicki, giving sure can challenge us in so many ways. And our giving also can be revelatory as to the health of our hearts. May He help us to grow into open handed givers. And it’s true, as we give He truly does bless us in very exciting ways. Thank you for adding your thoughts!
Have you ever read the book “Magnificent Obsession”? It’s by Lloyd C. Douglas (the author of “The Robe”). That book was a life-changer for me (well, both of them were ;)). May God continue to guide you on your journey!
Anita, I have not read that book. I am going to need to check it out 🙂 Thank you for the recommendation!
God uses every little thing to teach us about himself, doesn’t he. Giving is such a wonderful way of checking our hearts. Thanks for sharing at Small Wonder.
I am so grateful He uses every little thing to teach us as this means we never know where He will show up with a lesson or 2 to teach us. Keeps each day exciting for me 🙂