I’m joining Kate Motaung for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt. Five minutes. No editing. Lots of women. All of us writing on that same word.
Today the word prompt is …. Still.
We used to play the game often as kids. It was called “statue”. You probably played it too. A bunch of kids full of energy and movement. One kid calls out stop and everyone has to stay still in the position they are in. The one who stays still the longest, wins.
It was never easy. Being still, motionless for a long time, does not come easily.
And life is like that at times. So much to do. It all needs to get done and it all seems to be on your shoulders. So you keep on moving. At times you make progress. Other days, it seems like you moved quickly and went nowhere.
As women and wives and moms, we want to have it all ready. Make things right. Have all the solutions. I think at times, I have thought this was my job in life even.
Yet for the last few weeks, He has called me to be still. It’s not coming easy. For in being still, I am discovering – I am helpless to change or fix every circumstance in our lives. I would feel hopeless except in being still, He has brought this confidence ….
I may be still.
But He is not.
“Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” (Exodus 14:13-14, NLT)
“Take your positions; then stand still and watch the Lord’s victory. He is with you.” (2 Chronicles 20:17, NLT)
Discovering anew that being still is the best way to be.
Today I am joining … Five Minute Friday and Everyday Jesus and Fellowship Fri. and Friendship Fri. and Faith & Fellowship and Soul Survival .
Visiting via FMF. “I may be still. But he is not.” So true, so assuring. Thank you. Blessings!
We need to assure ourselves that He is always at work. Glad you visited!
I was asked in an exercise to think of an animal that described me and the first thing that came to mind was a humming bird – have you seen them they just don’t stop, their wings beat so fast you can barely see them. That’s what life feels like and yet there is that gentle whisper and your reminder here that we can be still and God will not. Thank you for sharing on Faith Filled Friday
Tania, the image of the hummingbird is a perfect one. And yes, I have seen them! I am so glad you shared!
So much truth here! I especially like how you brought to attention “I may be still. But He is not.” and verses to follow up on that. So much truth! With the holidays coming and all the hulla-balloo they bring, it doesn’t leave much room to be still fro the 1/2hr to 1hr that I so thrive on. I’m slowly learning that being still in my spirit can happen even when the days events are anything but still. Thank you for sharing! So beautiful!
Kaylene, it is so true that we can be still in our spirit even when activity is happening around us. May we grab those moments in the coming weeks to still ourselves. Have a wonderful weekend!
Thank you for your Still message, I appreciate the visit!!
It was nice to join you this week 🙂
Hmm. That very verse from Exodus has been on my heart ALL week. And apparently I needed it again today.
I am terrible at staying still– but God is working with me on it. Thanks, my dear Joanne.
Sharita, may we learn to be still & let Him be active on our behalf 🙂 So grateful for you!
I am not good at being still. Working on it. I love that as we are still before Him, our faith in Him grows stronger. He is so worthy of our faith. Lovely post. #FMFparty
It is harder work to be still than to be doing, isn’t it Leah 🙂 But the benefits we reap as we learn to be still & let Him do what He must. Grateful you stopped to share with me!