I”m joining Kate Motaung for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt. Five minutes. No editing. Lots of women. We all write on the same word.
Today’s word is …
We’ve all said it at one time or another … “I love you to the moon and back.” Somehow the distance being so great from the earth to the moon is supposed to express how greatly we love. Hearing we’re loved to the moon and back somehow seems to out our hearts to rest.
For the last few weeks, I have been watching as some are going through struggles. Some are near to me and greatly loved. Some I have never met yet their stories have impacted me deeply.
I have found myself praying for healing, for provision, for employment, for answers, for miracles.
I have had some sleepless nights, restless in bed as I have wrestled and questioned God. He has tremendous ability to remain silent, not providing answers no matter how much I have hounded Him. And so I wait. Just not as silently as He.
I have asked “Why?”, “When?”, “Will You?”, “How?” and “Where?”.
And He has remained silent except to let me know this one truth ….
“Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.”
(Psalm 36:5, NIV)
I guess you can say … He loves each one of us to the moon and back!
Today I am joining … Five Minute Friday and Everyday Jesus and Friendship Fri. and Faith Filled Fri. and Essential Fridays and Fellowship Fri. .
Such a loving message. Found you on FMF and so happy I did!
I am glad you did as well! Going to come visit you 🙂
I loved reading this and being reminded of God’s love this morning! Beautiful way to start my day. Happy weekend!
Hope you are enjoying the long weekend! May you have a wonderful & blessed school year ahead, Mary!
I am praying for you today. Since keeping a prayer journal I’ve been astounded by how God answers my prayers, in His time and in ways I would never have imagined possible.
Laura, it is most amazing how He answers our prayers. Even in His silence, He is answering us. May you have a wonderful weekend!
What a wonderful way to think about ‘I love you to the moon and back’. I’m so thankful that God does love us to the moon and back. I’m sure there have been plenty of times I tested that love, yet His love is always faithful. Stopping by from Five Minute Friday. Have a great weekend.
I know I have surely tested His love. I am most grateful He is faithful. And grateful you stopped to share. May you enjoy the weekend.
Hi, thanks so much for your encouraging post today. I will spend some time reflecting on Psalm 36:5 🙂
Anita, I hope as you take time to reflect on Ps. 36:5, He reveals more to your heart. Blessings!
Love this! How many times I have sprinkled my children’s day with these words, and never thought of relating these same words to how much God loves. Now, these words will take on an even richer meaning. Dropping in from Faith Filled Fridays…have a wonderful weekend!
It’s so true, Crystal. We can throw words around without thinking about them very much. May God’s love & reach have richer meaning for us both!
Reaches to the Heavens!! Yes! Beautiful, as always. ♥
And reaches down to us! Amazing isn’t it, Nannette! Blessings today!
I’m so glad his love reaches down to earth–of this I am always sure–even when he doesn’t seem to be working on my timeline ;).
Anita, even then – His love is reaching! So grateful!
This made me smile, girl. Mucho lots. Thanks for sharing it over at #EverydayJesus.
Hi Joanne~what a great post. I loved how you tied in that almost trite but still precious phrase these days with God’s word–and in 5 minutes. I couldn’t have done it! Another love quote from the Lord to tuck into my “Love Words” notebook.”
Janis, I am so grateful His love brings a richness to words we can casually throw around. I am so grateful His love reaches to the heavens and yet reaches down to us, mere mortals. Have a great long weekend!
Great post! Even God seems silent, we can rest in His love and faithfulness. Loved that we chose the same scripture! Blessings, friend. Keep writing and sharing!
Maybe the key is this -> just because it SEEMS likes He is silent, it does not mean He is not at work doing something. Grateful your comment brought this to mind today. Blessings!