The message was on giving. More specifically, tithing. We both were raised and taught to give. It is one of those areas where neither of us struggles to obey. Not sure exactly why that is as we are not rich by any means but then, neither are we poor. We have just been well taught …. “God loves a cheerful giver”, “You can’t outgive God”, “It is more blessed to give than to receive”.
Then there is this whole other area of giving – time.
And let the struggle begin.
We each have been given a 24 hour segment of time. Each and every day. We each have people in our lives whom we interact with, both casually and intimately. If we’re honest, some days can be exhausting, demanding more of us than we think we are able to give.
What do we do then? How do we give on those days?
These are the questions which keep running through my mind these days. I know we are nearing the end of the school year and the longing for summer vacation grows stronger with each passing day. I get that. This gnawing has to be more though. More than just feet up in the hammock, lemonade and book in hand, swinging and relaxing through my day. I don’t even have a hammock.
But I am looking for balance in my life. You know – that place where you draw the line in the sand and say, “No more”.
And then I read about “her”.
Her name not even mentioned. She is referred to as “the poor widow”. Nameless and yet she has been recorded for all of eternity. And not just once either. Her action must be significant otherwise it would never have been noticed.
She walks into the Temple, getting into line to drop her gift into the collection box. In one Gospel, we are told the rich came, putting in their large amounts. She also came, depositing her two small coins, they may have even clinked as they hit bottom, perhaps echoing in the silence. Jesus calls His disciples over and said to them:
“I tell you the truth,” Jesus said, “this poor widow has given more than all the rest of them. For they have given a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she has.” (Luke 21:3-4, NLT)
The point Jesus is making here is that the amount given is not what counts at all. The amount counts for less than the attitude in which it is given.
Attitude matters when giving, whether it is monetarily or with time. Like the widow, we each have a decision to make, and a difficult one at that …
Out of your poverty, you can give all that you have to God, or you can give in to your depletion. Only one choice will lead you to the surplus of heaven. Only one choice will afford you the privilege of seeing the multiplication of God’s increase through you. Only one choice will invest your little and grow it into “more than all the others.”
For whenever a heart is depleted and emptied out, there’s room enough for a fresh planting of God.
(from Beyond the Scars, by F. Elaine Olsen – page 3)
On those days when I am tempted to say, “No more” may He give me a heart willing to say, “Just a little bit more. And yet a little more.”
That widow, she was something else.
In her little, she gave more.
For she gave all she had.
And Jesus noticed.
Today I am linking with …. Testimony Tues. and Playdates With God and Soli Deo Gloria and Unite and Titus 2 Tues. and Tell Me a Story and Titus 2sday and Women Helping Women .
Stopping by for the first time from Soli Deo Gloria.
“A fresh planting of God”… What a wonderful thought. I’m so glad you shared it! Like you, my husband and I were well taught, and monetary giving has never caused us to pause. But time (and how to best spend it) requires a constant focus/re-focus and comparing of our priorities with God’s priorities for us. We’ve been doing a lot of that lately as you can see in the post I linked up at Jen’s. May you experience Hist best as you plan your Summer.
It’s funny how time presents a different challenge. I’m glad you came & shared. I will be stopping by to visit you later today 🙂 Blessings!
I am challenged by the idea that we must find balance in our lives. I totally get that we can get out of balance when we are letting the urgent crowd out the important or we are ignoring God’s call to obedience. But I’m not sure we can get out of balance going the other way. Jesus asked us to give him our all, not a balanced portion. Clearly we can’t all quit our jobs and go be missionaries or give all our money away. Or can we? Can some of us do that? And how much is God calling me towards that? I’m still ruminating on all this and your thoughts have added to the conversation in my head! Thanks for linking up to Testimony Tuesday, friend!
“Or can we?” Why isn’t that the norm and not the exception? In Dirty Faith (coming out in Aug.), David Nowell asks why we respond differently when one friend says their family is selling their home and moving to Africa to work with AIDS orphans … and another friend says they’ve been named ambassador and the family will be moving to Africa. Why is one family “crazy!” and the other one “respected”? As you said, “How much is God calling me towards that?” It’s a question we Christians have to ask ourselves if we want to live as Christ lived.
Oh Holly, didn’t mean to stir up your thoughts. It is just something I have been trying to sort through & process for myself. I agree, Jesus asked us to give our all. Yet I do not need to respond to everything asked of me. For me, it is finding the balance where I am called to give my time and then giving it my all. Does that makes sense? I love to hear your thoughts! Thank you for sharing with me.
As always, God looks at the heart. I love the way the Bible honors these nameless and powerless women. I never understand when people, even Christians, say the Bible is sexist or it’s a male book. When I first started reading it I was shocked how Jesus honored and respected the lowliest women and used them as an example for eternity. According to Jesus having very little is a huge blessing. This is why I rejoice when He takes things away from me (even if I do feel sad initially).
Laura, like you, I see Jesus as honoring women & being compassionate towards them (and us as well). May we be women who respond to Him & give Him our all. Blessings, friend!
Oh Joanne … lots of food for thought here this morning. You have spread a banquet to savor …
I am amazed at how it has gotten several of us thinking. Thank you for stopping here today.
You say you are not rich, but think again! God’s blessings are there and we miss what might have happened if He failed to bless. Thank you for sharing your wonderful post with us here at “Tell Me a Story.†At:
The Lord has blessed me continually throughout my life. Absolutely! Glad to have joined you once again.
I have found that in my times of “poverty” – when my heart is spent and down to its last coppers – well, these have been some of the greatest moments of multiplication. When a soul goes “all in” with Jesus, the increase is certain. Thank you for sharing this insight.
Your book is surely giving much food for thought. You have penned beautiful words & I know I will be sharing more. I am most grateful for this book!
Stopping by from #TellMeATrueStory to say this is a truly inspiring post. Thanks so much for sharing your faithfulness and obedience. Feel free to hop over my way. Feedback always Welcome.
One of the blessings we have had is that both of us were filled with the desire to give to the Lord when we were singles. We’ve been heart-opened givers ever since. I was poor and he had a good officer job at the AF Base and gave much to many as a youth leader; my poverty reduced significantly as soon as we married and in this 29 years we’ve still be focusing on giving. As missionaries, the financial portion was pretty significant, too, giving both here and there and around. Your sharing was a grabber for us. Thanks.