Funny thing happened overnight ….. again. We did not get the snow as had been predicted. As I had hoped. Let me explain.

I just wanted a day “off”. Not a weekend day off. And not a holiday day off. A free day off as in “snow day”. One of those days, not written into the school calendar, by which I would have a day to myself.

I regard those days as a gift. A day to get caught up on things which I ordinarily would have to use my regular days off to do. Getting a snow day would mean that on my day regular days off, I would truly be off and able to just relax. I would not have to do laundry or pay the bills or do the laundry or vacuum or clean the bathrooms. I would be “off”.

So when they began forecasting snow, I got excited. Perhaps it was even a little more than that. Then the accumulation was given for our area – 5-8″. Snow day began to look good. When the winter weather advisory went up, it was time to happy dance. The school closings began to appear on the screen last night. But not ours.

By the time I went to bed, it was not looking so good. And when I got up this morning, the street was clean. Not as in plowed clean but as in – not a flake to be seen – clean. Seriously.

We had texted, we  had tweeted, we had even hashtagged – all to no avail. The snow did not come.

As I walked to the kitchen to pour some coffee, I will admit, I was disappointed. But I also had to laugh as I remembered….

They’re. His. Storehouses.

“Have you visited the storehouses of the snow or seen the storehouses of hail?” (Job 38:22, NLT)

“No, Lord, I have not.”

But this morning I am humbled before You as I am reminded.

Today I am linking with …. Three Word Wed. and Tell His Story and Wordless Wed. and Wholehearted Wed. and Wedded Wed. and Winsome Wed. and Works For Me and Whimsical Wed. and A Little R & R and Words of Life and Wed. Prayer Girls .