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I am not sure how many years ago I first did Believing God by Beth Moore. It is a study full of truths which have stayed with me. Truths committed to memory for she has you repeat truth until it becomes ingrained. How very grateful I am for all the index cards which have helped me to remember and to commit truth to memory.Those spiral notebooks are in my desk, ready to pull out when I need them (see above photo). It was in that study, week 4, in which she teaches “believing you are who God say you are.” That statement went further to state:

In Christ, I am loved and …. blessed, chosen, adopted, accepted, redeemed & forgiven.

It should not come as a surprise to me, while reading Clout by Jenni Catron, these words would resonate with me:

In order to fully understand our plan, our purpose, our intention, our influence – our clout – we have to get to know the one who created us. (page 152)

It is in coming to know God, more deeply, in which we also come to know ourselves better. Paul shared this very same truth in Ephesians,

It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, he had his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone” (Ephesians 1:11-12, MSG).

It is as we know God, our Creator, better that something begins to occur in us, His people, the created….

Confidence is born in this discovery of one’s true self. In truly knowing our Creator we better know ourselves. Once we know our Creator and why he made us the way he did with the unique blend of gifts, talents, experiences, and opportunities, we begin to know his voice; we begin to understand his purpose for us. (page 153)

Some days I find myself asking this question, “Do I believe that I am who He says He created me to be?” On those days, may I ask Him to give me faith to believe, to increase my faith.

Knowing our Creator, God, is key to our knowing ourselves. It is in knowing, believing and holding onto our identity in Christ that we will be able to live purposeful lives. Today may we have faith to believe ….

I am who God says I am.

Today I am joining …. Thought Provoking Thurs. and Thankful Thurs. andƂĀ  Time Travel Thurs. and Thurs. Favorite Things and Word Filled Wed. and Blog Lovin’ and Thrive At Home and Legacy Leaver Thurs. and Cozy Reading Spot and New Every Morning and Countdown in Style and Everyday Jesus .