Yesterday was a low key day. Just restful. Straightening up. A good long nap in the afternoon. I thought of how blessed I am to have my husband who made Christmas Day work so much easier with all the help he gave. And that is what made me wonder about another man.
Not too much is told to us in Scripture about this man. The last time he is even mentioned is during the trip to the Jerusalem when Jesus is found teaching in the temple. The husband to Mary. The earthly father of Jesus. Actually, he was in a sense an adoptive father. There had to be something unique about this man which made him God’s selection to be the earthly man in His Son’s life.
- A good husband will protect a woman’s honor. Joseph was a good man (Matthew 1:19). He was engaged to Mary. When told of her pregnancy, he did not want to publicly disgrace her. Even when contemplating breaking the engagement, his desire was to do it quietly, in a way that would spare her embarrassment.
- A good husband will obey God’s commands. Although he had decided to break the engagement, upon receiving a visit from an angel, Joseph does as the angel of the Lord had commanded. He went ahead and took Mary as his wife. (Matthew 1:24). He put aside his own thoughts and obeyed God.
- A good husband will be led by God. Joseph was a God-fearing man, who when told by the angel to take a different route, he listened and followed. (Matthew 2:21). He did not second guess or go check out the new ruler for himself. He took the warning to heart and went.
- A good husband will protect his wife and children. Upon getting the directives from the angel, Joseph feared the new ruler and what could happen should Jesus be found. He took Mary and Jesus and traveled to a different region, in the town of Nazareth. (Matthew 2:23). He took the necessary actions to keep his family safe and protected.
In these days few days after Christmas, the familiar story is still speaking and teaching practical and needed lessons for us today.
Today I joined … Faith Filled Fri. and Essential Fri. and Fri. Flash Blog and Friendship Fri. and Faithful Fri. Blog Hop and Cozy Reading Spot .
Dear Joanne
Yes, a husband and a father has great responsibility. I cannot help but think how absent this kind of fathers is! That makes it sometimes so difficult for people to see God as their loving, caring and nurturing Father.
Blessings XX
Very true observation, Mia. May God raise up good men in the lives of those who had absent fathers & point the way to Him.
Thank you! Have so missed seeing your smiling picture 🙂 Hoping that all is well & you are enjoying time with friends & family!
Thanks for reminding us of Joseph. Sometimes he gets left out in our excitement over Mary and baby Jesus, but he played a crucial role as well, and there’s much we can learn from his example.
Glad you had a restful day yesterday. I did too, and am repeating today. 🙂
It is amazing the things we can overlook in reading “the familiar”. I am so grateful when He opens my eyes to a truth I had not seen. Hope you were able to get your repeat. I surely did! 🙂