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Getting dressed is pretty easy for me most mornings. Seeing as I am home taking care of 16 month Jocelyn, sweat pants and a t-shirt suffice. It is a wonderful thing to be able to be in comfy clothes most days. On the flip side, seeing as getting dressed is a no-brainer, it is easy to forget how to dress intentionally. This morning I was reminded…..

Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. (Ephesians 6:11, NLT)

Such a familiar passage yet I fail so many days. Let me share what this one little verse spoke to me this morning:

  1. All. All of the armor is needed in battle. I cannot face the day partially dressed. I must be fully dressed, armed and ready for battle.
  2. After. It is truly not a matter of “if” there will be a battle. There will be one. In verse 13 of that same chapter, Paul writes, “Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so that you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.” Whether or not we are left standing after the battle is directly related to our armor being in place. We may face a battle but we need not go down for the count.
  3. There are enemies that wage against us. And they have a strategy. May we remember that. They do not wage a war without a plan. Each strategy is tailored for each one of us so that the battles we wage may vary. But the goal is the same – to take us out so that we do not fulfill His plans for our lives.
  4. Fully clothed. The only means by which I can resist attack is when I am fully clothed in His armor. I do not have what it takes to win the battle in and of myself. And I never will. Neither will you.

Why do I try to live without all of it on each day? Today my we remember …..

Put. It. On.ƂĀ 

Today I am joining …. Wordless Wed. and Wed. In The Word and Three Word Wed. and Wed. Prayer Girls and Wisdom Wed. and Doing You Well and A Little R & R and Winsome Wed. and Tell His Story and Wedded Wed. and Wholehearted Wed. and Whimsical Wed. and Wordless Wed. and Works For Me Wed. and Imperfect Prose .