I am beginning to realize that life holds opportunities that will demand bravery at times. Oh sure, maybe for someone else, your demand will seem easy. Yet for each of us, God places those challenges that are tailor made for us by Him to grow us. The challenge demands more of us than we think we are capable. There is a certain level of risk involved.
But here is the thing I am learning – when we take the risk, we are never just throwing ourselves out there. We are throwing ourselves into the hands of a God that is capable of holding us. Maybe it is even that He catches us.
I think Paul knew what it was to face risk on a regular basis. He knew what it was to face opposition, regularly. He reminds himself, and each of us:
“If God is for us (and He is!), who can ever be against us?” (Romans 8:31, NLT).
If I were to paraphrase, I would put it this way – “Who is ever going to be able to take you out or take you down when you have God on your side? Like seriously, can you please tell me?”
I can see Paul shaking his head in disbelief at me. The things I face are so miniscule compared to what Paul faced. I think he would probably tell me to “Buck up & get on with it.”
Paul further questions, “Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love?” (verse 35). Like seriously, can you even name one thing that would be able to achieve that?
Paul had already settled this question deep within his soul. He knew nothing could achieve that because he had already faced trouble and calamity and persecution and hunger and destitution and danger and been threatened with danger. Nothing I am ever challenged with in this life even comes close to that. And yet, Paul confidently states, “NO, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.” (verse 37). Paul was able to face all these things with confidence in what he knew to be true about his God. And what he knew to be true of God was this – that God loved him, God loves us. It is the love of Christ that empowers us and keeps us when we face obstacles.
Like Paul, we can say…..
And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow – not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below – indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8: 38-39, NLT)
Paul was convinced of this. We must be as well. Nothing will ever be able to separate us from the love of God. When facing obstacles, we can move forward. Of these two things we can be assured:
We need not hold back.
He holds the victory.
Today I joined with these blogs … Tell His Story and Thriving Thurs. and Thankful Thurs. and From House To Home and Thurs. Favorite Things and Blog Lovin’ .
Dear Joanne
These verses in Romans 8 have proved to be so incredibly true and personal so often during my life that I cannot but be convinced with Paul. We might turn our face from God, but even that cannot seperate us from His love for He acts out of His character and not our stupidity!
Blessings XX
Mia – So grateful that He has never acted due to my stupidity! May He strengthen you & bring you health!
He holds us! 🙂 Hope this encourages you as it did me!
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How reassuring to know that God holds the Victory~and nothing can take His victory away from us. Thanks, Joanne, for the reminder.
Janis – Read your comment & thought…may we remember daily that the victory is already won! Thank you!