I come with high praises to You
because you have given me Your Word,
and Your Word is true.
I come to stand upon Your Word,
and to live within the person of Jesus, the Amen.
In Jesus’ name I say, “Amen,” to Your promises:
“All things work together for good….”
“You will supply all my need….”
“You are the Lord who heals….”
“You are not willing that any should perish….”
“You are able to redeem me from the hand of the wicked….”
Because You have spoken Your Word,
because You have settled it in heaven, and
because You have given it to me –
I say, “Amen!”And in saying “amen,” I step within the circumference
of my Lord Jesus’ circle of power and grace,
knowing that
He is Your Word Incarnate.
All Your promises are verified in Him, and
I am living today in Him….and in those promises.
Thank you, Father.
In Jesus’ name.
Amen!(From “Living & Praying In Jesus’ Name by Dick Eastman & Jack Hayford, page 90)
“For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding “Yes!”. And through Christ, our “Amen” (which means “yes”) ascends to God for his glory.”
(2 Corinthians 1:20, NLT)
Linking with these blogs today …. Spiritual Sundays and Sunday Stillness and Still Saturday and Scripture & A Snapshot and Social Media Sunday and Make My Saturday Sweet .
Lovely prayer! Perfect Scripture š
What a beautiful prayer…one that I must even print out and keep out in the open so I will be reminded to repeat it throughout the day. Thank you so much for posting this.
Grateful that it blessed you! Have a wonderful Sunday!
Dear Joanne
Yes, all God’s promises are realized in the person of our Lord Jesus alone!
Blessings XX
In Him alone!
A beautiful prayer. Blessings to you!
Thank you for sharing this prayer – He is faithul in all He says and does!
And a resounding Amen from me! He is the Healer and so much more!
They were both among my favorites for years and years, shortly after I came to the Lord in the ’60s. A blessing. Thank you for sharing them and their words… and the way it’s connected to the Word of God that encourages us and fills us with “AMEN!”
So glad to remind you of favorites š Thank you for stopping here today!
Thank you for sharing this..I loved the reminder that God’s promises are verified in Him. Yes!
Amen and amen!!!! Thanks so much for linking this awesome prayer to last weekend’s Still Saturday. I can’t think of a better way to begin my day today than to have prayed through it.