I cannot remember where I got the above image but I have had it on my desktop for weeks. It has repeatedly reminded me of two Scriptures, connecting them in such a way as to show me a great principle for life.
And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. (Philippians 4: 8, NLT)
A glad heart makes a happy face. (Proverbs 15:13a NLT)
Today I am linked with Three Word Wed. and A Little R & R and Wed. Prayer Girls and A Wise Woman and Winsome Wed. and Wisdom Wed. and Wordless Wed. and From Dream To Reality and Wordless Wed. and Doing You Well and Wordless Wed. .
Thank you for this! A smile sure can brighten your attitude! Especially when you focus on Phil 4:8!
Yes and our smiles can brighten the attitudes of others as well. Which just makes life better all around 🙂
I want to live with sunbeams shining out of my face! What a great image – I love Roald Dahl. Thank you for reminding me why!
I am so glad that the image struck you like it did me. May your face radiate today 🙂
What a great quote! I must try to remember that!
I visited you back. May coffee & smiles fill your day 🙂
I really needs those words from Proverbs. Thank you! I know this week I have not had a happy face but I’ve been blessed by you and this blogging community today and you are all returning my smile. I have so many reasons to be glad! He is SO good!! Thank you for linking up Joanne. Thank you for your kind words at my place. Thank you for your friendship. I truly am grateful for you.
oops. “Needed those words…” 🙂
Beth – The blogging community can surely be such a source of strength & encouragement. But then, you are reaping all that you have sown into the lives of others & you are a most encouraging woman for sure. May our God lift you up today & may you feel His smile upon you!