In thinking about you & knowing a blog needed to be written, I questioned what to write. In myself, I had nothing to offer today. And then I read these words in my book:
But praise God – as far as we fall, we will never fall further than the reach of our Savior.
(from Kasey Van Norman in her book, Named By God, page 99)
And that is when it hits me….we all fall short in our parenting.
All. Of. Us.
As in….
Every. Single. One. Of. Us.
That is the problem with Facebook & Twitter & Pinterest. We can put out an image, any image. By choice, we put out the perfect image. The one that makes us look good. Look better. We can hide our imperfections, our weaknesses, our habits. No one needs to know about those.
We do not tend to talk about, or admit to, our mistakes. In so doing, we are creating a false sense of perfection. We are setting ourselves up for isolation. How can we admit our mistakes in a world where no one does that? How can we risk being vulnerable when we think we are the only ones even making the mistakes?
And so we run. We hide. We cover. And nothing changes. We do not get any help. We won’t even admit that we need help.
But I am here to tell you this one truth: WE ARE ALL FLAWED.
Yes, all of us. If we were not flawed, we would not need a Savior. That brings me back to the quote. There is no mistake that is out of the reach of our Savior. He knew we needed community. A safe place to admit the mistakes. If we are called to love one another & come along side of each other, should we not be able to admit we have taken a fall?
I am grateful that you thought me safe that day. That we talked about what works & does not work with disciplining our children. How else could I have known to tell you about the book? How I wish it had been available when I was raising my own two.
Weary Mom, thank you for calling & letting me know that the suggestions from the book seem to be working. Thank you for sharing that it is making a difference in the life of your child. Know that you will not find judgment here. Or condemnation. I would be the last to point a finger as I have surely made my share of mistakes as well. Instead may we find safety & a love for each which says, “We are in this together.” For in that conversation, you discovered a resource & I found that I still had purpose.
Happy Thursday!
I am linked with Dear Weary Mom and Thoughtful Thurs. and Thought Provoking Thurs. and Winsome Wed. and From House To Home and Thriving Thurs. and Desire To Inspire and Thurs. Favorite Things and Thankful Thurs. and Blog Lovin’ Blog Hop and Cozy Reading Spot .
Thank you so much for this. It is so hard to not compare ourselves with everything, everyone we see. Positively or negatively. Judgement abounds; ugh! We put people in our lives on pedestals where they don’t belong only God belongs there. And He sits there as a judge but with compassion and mercy.
Comparison is such a trap that we fall into, isn’t it? May we remember that we have been created uniquely. Thank you for sharing!
Hi Joanne! We all need someone to tell us that we are ok…thanks for being that person today. Judgment is everywhere, and we need to learn to be kind to each other.
Ceil –
Thankful that I was that person today for you. I need someone to tell me most days 🙂 May we be less critical & extend more grace to those we meet. The world needs that greatly. Thank you for sharing.
Great reminder! Even though there are so many more resources available today, I’m thankful I raised my kids and homeschooled pre-Internet. It was nice not to have so many “perfect Pinterest images” to try to live up to.
May we be onto the truth that just because it is on the internet does not mean that it is a reality or true. Thank you for stopping by today!
Great encouragement! Thanks for linking up at From House to Home!