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For the last few weeks, Danny has been given to emptying the refrigerator of our leftovers & feeding them to….well, whatever it is that visits our yard & eats the offerings. At first he enjoyed thinking it was for the birds that had returned. But one night, he threw out a veal shank bone to see what would happen. Now mind you, it was a VERY good size bone & in the morning, it was gone. We had a discussion about who ate the bone. I went with coyote. He went with crows. I cannot imagine the size of the crow that carried that bone away! So when I read this quote recently, it resonated with me due to the recent activity in our yard…..

Our minds are like crows. They pick up everything that glitters, no matter how uncomfortable our nests get with all that metal in them.

Thomas Merton

Crows will eat anything & everything. They could care less what it is or how clumsy it may be to carry off. The more I thought on this, the more I realized how much in common we humans have with crows. How often we take in a thoughtless comment & let it wound us deeply. No matter how uncomfortable the thought. We don’t sort through whether or not is true, we just carry it with us, sometimes for years. Or what about the complement or praise that was given as insincere flattery? It feels good at first & then if we “dine” on it for very long, it can breed pride in us.

We truly need to become more selective (and picky) about what we allow into our minds. We need to weigh those things against the backdrop of God’s Word & truth. We must be certain to wallpaper our minds with His thoughts. Only as God’s very words are active in our mind, will we be able to know what we may allow to remain in our minds & what we must reject. Not everything that looks precious or true turns out to be. This applies to people, places or things that make wild promises to be more than they truly are. For you see, as many a crow discovers…

Not all that glitters is gold.


Today I linked with Thought Provoking Thurs. and Thoughtful Thurs. and Thurs. Favorite Things  and Blog Lovin’ Blog and Be Inspired By Others and Thurs. Blog Hop .