Regarding silence, Richard J. Foster writes in his book, Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home….

This silence of all creaturely activity enables us to hear God. Francios Fenelon writes, “We must silence every creature, we must silence ourselves, to hear in the deep hush of the whole soul, the ineffable voice of the spouse. We must bend the ear, because it is a gentle & delicate voice, only heard by those who no longer hear anything else.

page 102

I will admit, there are days I feel like I am on sensory overload. Too many voices, to much talking, TV on too long (even if I am not the one watching it). I love the stillness of the early morning hours – the darkness, the hush in the house, only the sound of coffee making.

Perhaps it is my favorite time of day as it is then that I can hear the gentle, still voice of my God as there is nothing else to hear. There isn’t anything yet going on.

In the Gospel of John, Chapter 10, Jesus makes a point of telling us what we need to hear…

  • “the sheep listen to his voice” (verse 3)
  • “His sheep follow Him because they know His voice” (verse 5)
  • “My sheep listen to My voice; I know them & they follow Me” (verse 27)

May we each make time to be still before the Lord. To quiet all the noise & voices around us & listen for the One gentle & delicate Voice.


I linked with Wholehearted Wed. .