It has struck our house. Sickness abounds.
Ear infections.
Runny noses.
At this point, it is the sick taking care of the sick š As we reached for this….
Krisy raised the interesting question as to how it could be both an expectorant & suppressant as the two are such opposites of the other. And so began a most interesting conversation probably because of our weakened state of mind š
The suppressant restrains the bad. The expectorant produces the good. The two work together in the hopes of the best outcome. Productive change.
As I sat thinking on this, I realized that we have the same process at work in our spiritual lives….
We live to suppress our flesh & our sinful tendencies. We do not want to live so as to give them full reign on our lives. We want to walk in the Spirit so that our flesh gets weaker. At the same time, the Holy Spirit is at work in our lives & so we live with an expectancy of Christ likeness being produced in us. We want the Spirit to strengthen within us & be at work in our lives fully. As the two processes work in conjunction with each other, transformation occurs.
“You. however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you.” (Romans 8:9 NIV).
So today….suppress & expect!