I went to the mall today with Lisa to get new shoes for Sophia for school. We headed to Stride Rite for the foot sizing & fitting & purchase. Since she is now 4 1/2 years old, she kind of has an opinion as to what she likes & dislikes. It sure did not take long for her to zoom in on the purple sparkly sneakers that had lights in the soles that would blink when you walk. She was so enamored with the lights. Needless to say, as we headed out of the store, she had to wear them. Walking with her head down, she had to keep an eye on her lights to be sure they were still “working”.
We got to our next store, where we headed to the adult shoe department for Lisa to check out something for herself. As Lisa browsed, I kept my eye on Sophia, who had discovered for herself the mirrors. This is what occurred…..
Then this…….
And then this…..
She had to try out every mirror in the department. She was excited with her lights & eventually announced that she could not wait to see how they worked in the dark.
This afternoon as I thought about the thrill this little girl received from those lights, I was so reminded of how we, too, can walk with light. I cannot help but wonder if we walked in His light, in the light of His Presence each day, would we not be as secure & confident as Sophia was today? Would He not thrill us as He shed light on something in our day?
“Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, O Lord.” (Psalm 89:15 NIV).