I grew up in church. It was not unusual for us to attend church several times a week. In driving today, I remembered sitting in Sunday School & singing, the very familiar children’s chorus:
                                       “Jesus loves me this I know,
                                        For the Bible tells me so.
                                        Little ones to Him belong,
                                        they are weak but He is strong.
                                        Yes, Jesus loves me!
                                        Yes, Jesus loves me!
                                        Yes, Jesus loves me,
                                        The Bible tells me so.”
The thing is – I truly believed it. The Bible said it, I believed it. Until that one day that….I began to wonder, “Does He really love me?”
I think if we were all to be honest, at some point in our lives, at one time or another, we all have asked that question. It is so easy to believe that He loves others, but us? We are so familiar with our own shortcomings, our own sins, our own thoughts. We make it easy for the enemy to create doubt in our minds. It is his most effective weapon & he has been using it since the Garden.
- to be uncertain about
- to consider questionable or unlikely
- to hesitate to believe
- to distrust
- to be undecided
 (according to dictionary.com)
The thing about doubt is that it grows. Much the same way that faith, the size of a mustard seed can grow large, so just a small kernel of doubt will soon sprout bigger than life. We must be on guard & nip it in the proverbial bud. We must.
We must have that childlike faith, like when I was in Sunday School. We must come to that place that we believe – not based on our feelings or emotions. We believe, simply & only, because the Bible tells us so.
And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.(1 John 4:16 NIV).
Know His love.
      Rely on His love.
             For truly, He loves each of us!
Today I have listened to this song, “How He Loves” by the David Crowder Band more times that I counted. Listen to it. Listen to it again. And keep listening to it UNTIL the realization hits you, deeply, that He truly does love YOU! Â