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  “Bask in the luxury of being fully understood & unconditionally loved.”

How good is that!!!! Seriously. It comes from “Jesus Calling”, November 14, page 333.

When we bask, we are positioning ourselves in such a way to experience pleasant warmth. Not the harsh beating of the sun. Not the unrelenting heat of a fire that is out of control. No, it is the comforting warmth that comes from a fire lit in the fireplace on a cold, damp night. It comforts while taking the chill out of your bones.

God calls us to do just that – bask in His presence. Experience His comfort. Let Him warm you when life has been cold or harsh.

To experience luxury is to enjoy a pleasure, that is out of the ordinary, which we allow ourselves. In other words, let us not deny ourselves when it comes to God.

God is asking us to experience the rich abundance of His character.

When we think that no one understands us or understands what we are feeling or what we have been through, there is One who not only understands but He truly & fully understands. He knows us deeply. Intimately. May we position ourselves at His feet so that we experience the richness of His comfort, of His warmth, of His love for us. He knows when we have failed. He fully understands our shortcomings. He extends grace to us as we come to Him & admit that we have fallen short of walking in His ways. He fully understands us.

At the same time that we are fully understood, He also loves us unconditionally, completely. He will never love us less. He will never love us more. He already loves us in abundance.

                               “And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.”

                                                         1 John 4:16, NIV