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This was our last week using the study of “Brave Faith” by Mary Geisen. This week we concentrated on how God often leads us into brave faith asking us to do hard things and as we fight it every step of the way. There were wonderful truths discussed as we brought the study to a close:

  • We need to remain teachable to grow in brave faith. “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is good for you and leads you along the paths you should follow” (Isaiah 48:17, NLT). The internet has made it easy to search quickly for information, causing us to think we are more knowledgeable than we truly are. God is wanting to teach us for our benefit and it will always be for our good. Are we teachable, pliable in His hands?
  • Peace is a gift we have been given. “I am leaving you with a gift – peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid” (John 14:27, NLT). Christ has given us the gift of peace. We can have peace of heart and mind in the midst of turmoil because He is peace and He is within us.
  • We don’t know all the answers. So often we want the answers before we feel brave as if the answers themselves are the source of our bravery. The truth is – we don’t always have the answers. But we do know the One who does! Sometimes we must continue to plod through our days and let His answers find us. “Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!” (Mark 1:16-17, NLT). Jesus was talking to men who fished for a living. At times, our talents, our abilities, our skills need to be expanded upon, improved, or honed. Jesus will show us how to love others better, parent that rebellious child, to have joy, how to share about the Gospel with our neighbors, and how to trust Him more deeply. Where is He calling you to follow Him?
  • Courage means embracing God’s Word every day. “People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4, NLT). His Word is our sustenance = Our Daily Bread. Through the reading of Scripture, He infuses us with all we need to face every challenge, situation, and fear.
  • Sometimes brave is just releasing our fear to Him and praying. Through prayer we let Him fill us with His peace and His provision. “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in EVERY DETAIL of their lives” (Psalm 37:4, NLT). Our God delights in every step! We tend to think He is in the good steps, the good situations, the blessings. But He is in EVERY STEP. Yes, He is in this very moment. Even now. No need is too big. No need is too small.

All we need to do is take the very next step. May we draw closer to Jesus and allow Him to make us braver than we every could be!


This month I have been sharing lessons learned from the Devotional “Brave Faith” by Mary Geisen. Week One can be found HERE , Week Two HERE , and Week Three HERE . You can read more about the book on the author’s website HERE .


Today I am joining … #DreamTogether and Inspire Me Monday .