So how is it that a morning Bible Study and The Circle Maker
can cross paths? Seriously, only God can work the timing as such …
Ever feel like the prayers of everyone else seem to get answered but yours? It can often make us feel exasperated with God.
In Matthew 11, we find Jesus an interesting incident which follows a times where Jesus does miracle after miracle. He heals the sick, casts out demons, restores sight to the blind, and more.
Yet the one man – John the Baptist, the forerunner to Christ, remains in jail. No miracle happening for him. It is at this time Jesus receives a message from John asking, “Are you really Him? Are you the Messiah we’ve all been waiting for?” (Matthew 11: 3)
I cannot help but wonder if John was not expecting Jesus to do something, perhaps miraculous even, to get him released. Jesus sends him this response instead …
“And blessed is he who is not offended because of Me.” (Matthew 11:6, NKJV)
Our morning group spent a little time on this one. Jesus offensive? What does this mean?
“Have you ever felt like God was doing miracles for everyone and their brother, but you seem to be the odd man out? It seems like God is keeping His promises to everyone but you?” (Mark Batterson, The Circle Maker, page 90)
There are times we can feel like throwing up our hands in the air or perhaps throwing in the towel, or maybe just throwing something. And it is at that very moment, offense can enter. We can give up on God. Think He’s not all that He says He is. Or able to do all that He says He can do. We may feel He has not kept His promises.
What do we do then?
Are we going to walk away? Are we going to be angry with God? Resentful even?
Or we can choose to live unoffended lives, knowing Jesus promises blessing if we are not offended by Him and what He does for others.
John the Baptist chose to live unoffended by Jesus. He did not get released from prison, in fact, he lost his life. Yet Jesus said there was none greater who had ever lived than John the Baptist (Matthew 11:11).
I have spent some time thinking about this. In Hebrews 11, the chapter hailed as the hall of faith, we find many who did undeniably amazing exploits for God because of their faith. There are also the nameless who were tortured, chained in prison, sawed in two, destitute, persecuted and mistreated (verse 37). And there is one verse tucked at the end which says this:
“These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised. God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect.” (Hebrews 11:39-40, NIV)
They had equal faith but did not receive the answers to their prayers. But here’s the thing – they still had faith. They remained faithful. Unoffended. And who knows what awaits them in the future Kingdom!
“Blessed is he who is not offended because of Me.”
Remain unoffended by Jesus!
This is Day 21 of 31 Days Of Going In Circles. You can find the entire series here .
Today I am joining …. Testimony Tues. and Unite and Titus 2 Tues. and True Story and Teaching What Is Good .
Love this post! Remaining faithful in all is where it’s at – difficult, challenging but it’s where we meet Jesus. I also love the song-a classic that I could listen to everyday. Blessings!
The song is a favorite of mine too, Mary. Remaining faithful, no matter the circumstances, is the challenge but it is also where we not only meet Jesus but He meets us. You are a blessing, Mary!
Sometimes it is hard not to be offended when prayers aren’t answered as we wish. I just wrote about prayer yesterday and how God is glorified in the answers He gives us. As usual, you and I are on the same path, Joanne!! π Thanks for linking up to Testimony Tuesday!
I loved your post on prayer, Holly. Prayers may not be answered as we wish but they are always answered as He knows best. It is always great to join you for Testimony Tues.!
Faith doesn’t necessarily come easily or naturally….but it’s always worth it!
Also…I love me some Hello Mornings! π
Jen, just this morning I noticed on FB that you are also in a Hello Mornings group π So good!
That’s a great challenge, and one I never thought of. To keep unoffended before God. I guess it’s another way of saying we give him the reins to our lives, full control even when we wish he’d answer our prayers differently.
It’s so true, Betsy – it does mean giving Him the reins & learning to trust Him. Always.
Oh, just what I needed :). I’ve never thought of it this way–but to remain ‘unoffended’ by the choices God makes is challenging at times–but I’m certain that it’s what grows our faith muscles.
Anita, such a good point – it is the way in which our faith grows.
Great song choice to go along with this post!
Thank you, Lisa. One of my favorites π
We get offended over things of so much less consequence than what John was dealing with – thanks for the reminder that God can be trusted no matter what is going on in life.
Isn’t that the truth, Barbara! The littlest thing can cause offense. May we learn to overlook more & trust Him. Glad you stopped here!
Love this explanation on unanswered prayer. I’ve never taken note of that verse before, but it’s really great to help us through those times it feels God isn’t doing what we’ve asked. I’m scheduled to write about unanswered prayer later this week and this gives me some good food for thought as I dive into that topic.
Kathryn, glad to have helped you along with the topic π There is so much to be learned about prayer. By the way, I have been enjoying your posts as well!
I have never ever thought of such a thing. I’ll be tucking it away to study in detail later! Thank you!
I have the funny feeling, I will as well continue to think on this! So much to learn about prayer.
Wow, I never thought of it this way. Thanks for encouragement and sharing. I love how you started off, isn’t it cool what God can do?
Grateful you stopped here. It is amazing the way God weaves things into our lives.
Studying God’s word with a group is so much fun and a blessing to all who participate. Thank you for sharing with us here at “Tell me a Story.”
It is amazing how much can be gleaned when in a group. So grateful for your linkup.
It is true we might be offended by our brothers and sisters, but may we never be offended by our relationship with Jesus. Your take was a bit different, but interesting. Thank you for sharing your awesome post with us here at Γ’β¬ΕTell Me a Story.Γ’β¬Β